Poetry Slam Packs The House

by Katheryn Gleason

(from Independent Coast Observer, April 27, 2001)

Point Arena High School held its first Poetry Slam at CityArt Tuesday night, for a standing room only audience. The competion, brought to Mendocino Country by local Poet's In the School instructors Scott Metzner and Blake More, pits poet teams from area schools against each other in friendly competion.

The poets are judged on content and performance, but Point Arena Poet Laureate and first time Poetry Slam Judge Fiona Perkins added "gut reaction" to be the formula. Each team alternated poets for each of three rounds, amidst the audience's wild applause.

Tuesday's slam featured Anderson Valley in competition with Point Arena. A.V. edged the team competition, and their poet Thomas Jackson also took the first place individual award. Point Arena's Leela Carpenter took second, and Melissa Newhall took third.

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