Although the many varied and creative entries were difficult to judge, the winners of the Gualala Arts In The Schools Poster Contest were awarded on Wednesday, October 10th, 2001 in honor of the first ever California Arts Day.

The prize winners are as follows:


Grand Prize
Ms Carpender's 1st/2nd grade class
Horicon School

(poster not available)

Best Class Poster
Ms Simmonds Kindergarten class Horicon School

Best in Grade 7-8
Amanda Pense
Pacific Coast Charter School

Best in Grade 4-6
Amelie Davies
Arena Elementary

(poster not available)

Best in Grade K-3
Manchester Elementary

Best In School/Arena
Sara Funderburk

Best In School/Horicon
Tyler Holguin

Best In School/Fort Ross
Chelsy Seymour

Best In School/Manchester
Sara Earhart

Best In School/PCCS
Sarah Bice

(poster not available)

Best Class Poster
Honorable Mentions (tie)

Ms Stornetta's 1st grade class
Ledbetter/Schmidz 2nd/3rd grade class


Gualala Arts in the Schools would also like to thank the following local businesses for their generous contributions: Arena Renaissance Company, Arena Bakery, Cosmic Pizza, Gualala Pizza & Ice Cream, PB Espresso, Partyline, and Gualala Arts. Also a special thanks to Robert Wauson and Point Arena High School for judging the contest.


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