written by Arena Elementary, Horicon School, & Pacific Coast Charter School students
Peace feels like
Being calm and ready for sleep
Standing in an empty mall or a forest
It feels like sitting by the ocean
Or being in your bedroom.
Peace sounds like
Birds singing
Being alone in the dark
It sounds like the whispering wind
Without car horns, alarms, sirens.
Peace looks like
Birds and butterflies flying
near the flowers in a field
looks like grandma’s face
the peace sign
a happy smile.
Peace tastes like
Chicken nuggets
Gooey devil’s food cake
Vanilla "gogurt"
It tastes a lot like an egg sandwich.
Peace wears a bullet proof vest
Its baseball cap backwards
Walks all the way to Florida in cowboy books
Or to Montana in sensible shoes
Peace is a rainbow of color and lots of air
Peace is a tree house
Square and small
Built into an apple or a redwood tree.
Peace is Hawaii in spring
Blooming flowers
And three or 1600 coconuts.
Rocks are peace
So is surfing and waterskiing
Snowboarding in Canada
Or visiting Mt. Shasta with family.
Peace is a one room school house
With five or two kids
It is Horricon school
Nice students and teachers
Lots of good food in the cafeteria
Like pizza, salad bar and ice cream.
Peace is heart shaped, like Valentine’s Day
It is 58 degrees Fahrenheit
But some think 60 or 100 is peace.
Peace is all the best friends
The open sky, springtime
A log cabin alone in the woods
Peace is heaven.
¾ Ms. Carpenters 1/2 grade Class, 2001Horicon School
Wise and old Grandfather Tree
You give air like lungs
Pumping heart sap
You give birds food
Dropping apples, pears, acorns
Your nourishment is like donuts for squirrels
You give excellent ice cream sundaes
With double Hershey's chocolate bark and pine needles
You give nice homes
To your creatures
Like the squirrels, birds, raccoons, ants and chickens
(all the creatures of the forest)
Thank you for keeping us from the rain
Wise, old Grandfather Tree.
----Ms. Carpenters 1/2 grade Class, Horicon 2001
Peace is being quiet, lazy, calm
Its different from being mean, grouchy
Peace feels soft like a kitten
A fuzzy cow jacket
A basket of rose petals
Peace sounds like being in a park all alone
walking at school
when there's no students, teachers or parents
It sounds like a blue bird on your head
Or in a tree chirping at the yard
Peace looks like holding a red bird in your hand
Or watching eat seed from a bird feeder
It looks like hands praying and children sleeping
It is A butterfly kissing your nose
Peace tastes like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
With Doritos chips and mint candies
It tastes like chocolate ice cream on a hot summer day
Like maple pancakes with syrup
Peace is shaped like the wind
blowing clouds and rain away
like a peace sign
a hug
Peace is all the colors of the rainbow
And thoughtful friends
You can find it at a cemetery
In churches, on swing sets
Cozy in bed or on an overnight sleepover in a tent
Peace is the redwoods, slide, lunchtime at Horricon
It is a starry sky
---Ms. Simmonds Kindergarten Class, Horicon 2001
This pineapple looks like a robot
It looks like a dolphin
swimming in a pool
It is a teddy bear
a balloon
a cat pineapple
a pineapple sun
riding a sky horse
This pineapple feels like a wiggly snake
twisting around a giant palm tree
a yellow whale
a submarine
It is a pineapple tree
floating in the clouds
a tasty rocket ship
on the beach in Hawaii
---Ms. Wauson’s Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary
C is for Cole crunching canned tuna
D is for Daria, drawing dinasaurs and Dad
G is for Giovanni, gobbling goldfish
A is for Alex, alive with apple power
A is also for Anturo, activating his artist
K is for Kourtnie, krazy for kittens
M is for Michelle, making her mouse
and M is for Michael, moving mountains
D is for Daysa, delighting in donuts
J is for Joey, jiggling the jello
R is for Ricky, roaring to read
M is for Maxx, making mini maps
C is for Cristian, cuddling a cat
and C is for Cinthia creating her cat
J is for Jake, jumping into jelly
and J is also for Jake, jumping with jack-in-the-boxes
D is for Dylan, delighting in yellow ducks
O is for Olivia, observing octopuses
B is for Brooke, braving brown bears
S is for Sandra, swimming in the sun
---Ms. Wauson’s Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary
You are the stars in the sky
kittens all furry, soft and itchy
fishing off the pier and on the beach
the yellow flowers in the yard
swimming with God
angels with wings in heaven
hiking in the woods with rainbows all around
trees growing from the ground
puppies, so furry, cut and noisy
caring after people
green grass growing in summer
flying airplanes to San Francisco
rainbows sparkling red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple
you are the colors in the rainbow.
---Ms. Wauson, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary
Friends let us sleep over at their houses
Sometimes we feel good together
Sometimes we pick our noses and make funny faces
We buy them birthday presents
and fight in the night
because we want the same toys
but we still share bunks
because we are friends
We say magic words to be nice
and smile happy faces with our teeth
so we can put people on the happy list and the star list
We go sailing across the sea to China
in a boat shaped like the moon
or a raft made of plastic, wood and metal
We help our friends get better
when they get hurt
We like to play in the ocean and on the moon
We are friends.
---Ms. Wauson, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary School
L is for Lonnie, lion of lapis
M is for Mickey Mouse Miguel
D is for Deanna, a deanna-dinasauras
R is for Rita, rainbows, rabbits and roses
and R is for Richie and rocks
S is for Spencer, storms we can sleep through
F is for Faviola, F is for flower
A is for Arely, who loves to eat apples
O is for Octavio wrapped in orange octopuses
B is for Ben, Ben is for bunny
N is for Nick, N is for nest
K is for Kevin, kites knocking like kangaroos
J is for Josh, J is for jelly fish, jeeps and Jellepuff
and J is for Jason, jack-hammering jack-o-lanterns
with Jason, James, and Josh
---Ms Sperry’s 1-2, class poem, Arena Elementary School
Love is pink, gold and red
it smells like chocolate chip roses
it looks like a triangle, a star and an easter egg
it sounds like my mom and birds kissing and hugging
it tastes like candy canes, mints, apple pie, strawberries
and the whole bakery
it feels like snowmen and a bunny with a full tummy
---Ms Wauson, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary School
The pineapple looks like a jet flying to Hawaii
or a jet flying to Ukiah
like a baby flying a kite
a fireball
an airplane going to Mexico or the sun
it looks like a rocket in the sky
a shooting star rocket
the pineapple looks like a rainbow
or a missile going under the sea
---Ms Sperry’s 1-2, class poem, Arena Elementary
You are the beautiful mother earth
sweeping love in houses
sweeping arms of snow angels in the sky
sweeping the Earth’s crust like god
you sweep as fast as lightning
You are the beautiful mother with flower clouds in the sky
with butterflies flying around the world
You are the beautiful mother in my heart
and all around the world and around the oceans
and the fish and all of the planets
You are the beautiful mother playing with the pets in summer
with the sun shinning fireflies everywhere
singing flutes of sun from the sky
You are the beautiful mother in my life
I like you because you give me food from the Earth
You are the very best of them all
making the earth better for the universe
---Ms Sperry’s 1-2, class poem, Arena Elementary
Friends are happy
because they play like good friends
best friends, brother and sister friends
finding friends is easy
they are big and everywhere
I can find my sister with one look
in hide and seek
friends rollerblade
play jumprope, baseball, soccer
they play basketball and football too
Sometimes we get scratched
when we play together with puppies
friends catch frogs from the swamps
and flying fireflies from the sky
we catch cows, skunks
red and orange butterflies
with catippilar nets
(when we are really silly
we use toilet paper nets)
Friends are to the end.
---Ms Sperry’s 1-2, class poem, Arena Elementry School
Sadness is green
it sounds like wind in a flat forest
it smells like sour green apples
it tastes like sour grass, granny smiths and green plants
it looks like trees, eyes, crocodiles and green eggs and ham
it feels like water dripping off the leaves
---Ms Sperry’s 1-2, class poem, Arena Elementary School
The pineapple looks like a head
because you can see its hair and face
cut up into scars
it’s got whiskers
it feels like 1,000 one-eyed porcupines
and looks like billions and billions of glass diamonds
it wants us to make it fly through space
become a rocket blasting off and touching the sun
making the sounds of thunder and lightning in our belly at lunch time
it feels like pine needles sticking your hand
like a thousand trees
like that beetle on the window sill
the pineapple dreams about us eating it
but It wants us to be its friend so we don’t eat it
the pineapple wants to go back to his family
because he misses his mom and dad
maybe he’ll take us along
---Ms Eggers, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary School
You are the Beautiful Mother of birds
hugging cats and dogs
of snowflakes on craggy peaks
You are the Beautiful mother
saying thank you for cats and dogs
You are the beautiful mother
making pizza for our bellies
giving us lives to live
giving us places to live
You are the beautiful mother sharing the sky
with your star family
You are the beautiful mother
when the flowers bloom and smell good
You are the beautiful mother of all
cats, dogs, trees, houses and sun
You are the beautiful mother of my life
the night of the moon
you are the sun of my rainbow
the rainbow of flowers
You are the beautiful mother making new trees every day
keeping the birds safe
You are the beautiful mother skipping through flowers
playing in meadows with the birds
You are the beautiful mother making us happy
---Ms Egger, 2/3, class poem, Arena Elementary School
A.J.’s angry alligator ate apples
Alison ate apricots in the Amazon
Brain the bee buzzes around the bear
Cory is crazy over cougars cuz they’re cute
David drew dinosaurs dancing downstairs
Eddie the egg got eaten by Emily the eagle
Emily the eagle eats lots of eggs
Evette rode an emerald elephant to England
Eric’s electric eagle had an egg and got electrocuted
Gabriel gives gold to greedy goblins
Harlan’s happy heart went to a hockey game
Jessica’s jackrabbit jumped in a jack-o-lantern
Joshua jogs with a jaguar in June and July
Martin meets monsters and gives them money on Mondays
Molly made a monkey mask for her mom on Monday
Nicole noticed nine nests
Robert raced the rabbit to the river
Will wove a web around a white whale
---Ms Stornetta, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary School
You are the beautiful mother
whose eyes shine like the sun
the beautiful mother of gold
dancing with the sun and the flowers
feeding the dolphins fish
making the birds fly
coloring the rainbow
smelling flowers
giving the world nature
and the body goodness
leading the birds in song
nurturing our gardens
loving unicorns and garter snakes
you are kittens, all soft and furry
the rainbow after a rain
you are quietness and brain power
the animals and butterflies that color the earth
you are nature with dogs
You are the poetry
---Ms Stornetta, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary School
I like my friends and you
because they’re nice
they’re fun
they smell like popcorn popping at their house
sneaky popcorn
because they eat it without us
friends also smell like chocolate chip cookies
hot chocolate, Oreos and cake
I like my friends
because I can spend the night
at their house
stay up and watch movies
until we are really tired
sometimes till midnight
sometimes till morning or afternoon
Friends are shaped like peace
circles of puppy and kitten pizza
with baby antlers made of sauerkraut, chili and hot sausage
we are a great big pizza world of friendship
Friends visit lovely chocolate restaurants
sit on chocolate chairs
order from chocolate waiters
restaurants for kid friends only
cause grownups don’t like chocolate as much as kids
they are never closed
We laugh when friends pretend they are babies
make funny faces or jinx somebody
There are more than 19 things we love about friendship.
---Ms Stornetta, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary
Happiness is red
it smells like cherries, rasberries, strawberries and rope licorice
it sounds like Santa Claus singing jingle bells
it looks like lips, a big chocolate red heart with candy inside and friendship
it tastes like a cake with red frosting
and a banana split with a cherry on top
it feels like red paper, a big kiss, a hug
---Ms Stornetta, Kindergarten class, Arena Elementary
Pineapples are fun to eat
they drink water and make pineapple juice
they look like many different things
like stars shooting through the atmosphere
like whales swimming in the ocean
like boys with green hair
I wonder if they have feet?
They sound crunchy and soft
they remember being cut in half
and dream about protecting themselves from being cut up
they have nightmares about being eaten
because they taste so juicy
(even gross to some people!)
They are the earth smelling earthy
remembering their life on a tree
sticky like pine trees
Pineapples remind of volcanoes erupting
on islands that stink like fish guts
when they are rotten
pineapples are sweet and sour
like a tropical island.
---Ms Hoffman, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary
Sadness is emerald
it smells like old dirty socks and dried grass
it tastes like salty tears and old moldy toothpicks
it sounds like thunder and a whiny dog
it looks like gray clouds and rain falling from the sky
it feels like a cold pond on a winter day
---Ms Hoffman, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary
This pineapple smells like Hawaii in Spring
it looks like a jellyfish stinging
it sounds like a little bush
moving in the deep woods
when its crushed it tastes like pineapple juice.
This pineapple dreams about the treetops of spring
as it worries about being eaten by us
it remembers its parents and brothers and sisters
playing at the beach on very hot days
it wishes it were a raptor’s tooth or a T-Rex smile
it wants to fly into space like a football rocket
it remembers being in Alaska
dripping with icicles
---Ledbetter/Schmidt, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary
You are the beautiful mother of pizza
baking in our oven
and boxing in my stomach
the mother of hotdogs on a barbecue
the beautiful mother of cooking
of god and my parents helping me
I love the mother of birds singing in the morning
and animals playing, jumping in the forest
of healthy roses growing red and pink and white
in the light and the dark
you are the beautiful mother of gameboy and donuts
the mother of the sun shining while animals play together
the beautiful earth mother making the trees and ocean sparkle
---Ledbetter/Schmidt, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary
Sadness is blue
it sounds like crying and a little scream
it smells like tears of salt water
it looks like little blue raindrops
it tastes like tap water
it feels like heavy fog and mousse in your hair
---Ledbetter/Schmidt, 2-3, class poem, Arena Elementary
Madness is red
it sounds like red cheeks
it smells like a burning campfire
it tastes bad
it looks bad
it feels terrible
---Alex, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
Happiness is pink
it sounds like bubble gum popping
it smells like fresh strawberries
it tastes like cotton candy
it looks like lips
it feels like pretty pink roses
---Daycia, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
Smart is blue
it sounds like an airplane flying
it smells like blueberry pie in the oven
it tastes like the sky
it looks like a smart blueberry
it feels a blue bubble
---Francesca, Ledbetter/Schmidt
Happiness is red
it sounds like a monster truck
it smells like good food
it tastes like sugar
it looks like an alien
it feels like a bear
---Justin, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
My necklace remembers when I wear it
it remembers when I snuggle with it in bed
and when I play with it
it remembers me holding it in my hand
it doesn’t forget me
and I don’t forget about it
it is like a sister to me
the smell never goes away
I smell it all day
---Daycia, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
It feels like a soft feather pillow
it came from an eagle
eating a salmon in the river
it is white and brown
like cookies and cream.
---Crystal, Ledbetter/Schmidt
I see an eyeball
it doesn’t move
it has veins sticking out
there is water in it
it’s the color
of water from the river
I roll it
I shake it.
---Willie, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
Loves her laughing family
Enjoys to play
Sleeps and sings in her dreams
Laughs like a witch
Intelligent, interesting person who
Eats eggs
---Leslie, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
Jessie like baseball
Everyday he plays
Serious and fun
Sometimes he doesn’t catch the ball
Excellent at math
---Jesse, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
The killer whale tells me
to be nice to her babies
she says not to throw
garbage in the water
when she stares at me
she talks
---Oscar, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
Inside of me lives a butterfly
it makes me fly
it flies up high
and shows me the sky
maybe it will teach me how to fly
I feel like a butterfly
---Yanntte, Ledbetter/Schmidt, Arena Elementary
The dog tells me
to hit the ball far
it tells me to catch the ball
at the game
it told me to hit the ball far
the dog runs fast to second base
safe like me
it got out at third base
I did too
---Jesse, Ledbetter/Schmidtz, Arena Elementary
There is a bull inside of me
He makes me run fast inside of me
He makes me feel good inside of me
he make me look like I have horns
---DJ, 2nd grade, Ms Eggers class, Arena Elementary
There is a bull inside me
it makes me brave
it helps me run fast
it makes me feel like one
it tells me I can run into everything
---Barry, 3rd grade, Ms Eggers class, Arena Elementary
My crystal feels
like a smooth rock
it smells like fresh air
from nowhere
it looks like a bullet
it tastes like fresh strawberries
it dreams it is going to be
a poem someday
---Crystal, Ms Eggers class, Arena Elementary
My bell makes a lot of noise
it looks like a big wave
it sound like the waves crashing
it dreams about being in a church
making all the noise it can
---Barry, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
My magic object is a magic poem
it feels like a soft pillow on a bed
it looks like a shiny heart
red and nice
I like it
It could be magic or anything at all
even three things at one time
maybe five six seven eight nine ten
it may be more.
---Tabitha, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
Katherine is koo koo
she eats lots of chips
to get real koo koo
"hee hee", she laughs
in the chips
Katherine likes reading
lots of books inside
when it rains
but when she runs out of books
she must eat more chips
koo koo
---Katherine, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
Jamin’ joker
Short tempered show-off
Serious, sensitive
Amazing athlete
---Jessiah, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
Red is the color
it is very happy indeed
it tastes like pizza
smells like a flower
it feels like the best velvet ever
it sounds like hip hop music
it’s as heavy as a feather
it’s as tall as a cat and his hat
standing on a tower
---Jessiah, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
I would plant seeds of good-byes
make rows of hellos
in the garden of life
I’m making sunflowers
out of roses
---Monica, Ms Egger’s class, Arena Elementary
Amanda ate apples
Munch munch munch
All around
noisy noise
---Amanda, Ms. Eggers class, Arena Elementary
Tired is the color Black
it sounds like snoring
it smells like smoke
it tastes like rocks
black looks like a blob
it feels like goo
---Katie, Ms Egger’s class, Arena Elementary
Rita rides her bike
on the road behind the rainbow
Rita reads books
along the railroad in the rain.
--Rita, Ms. Sperry’s class, Arena Elementary
Richie Runs aRound
Red Round houses
Red Robins Really
like to Run with Ritchie.
---Richie, Ms. Sperry’s class, Arena Elementary
Rebecca likes red rabbits
when she rides
her red bike
and really races
under the rainbow.
---Rebecca, Ms. Sperry’s class, Arena Elementary
The cheetah inside me is really fast
it’s beautiful
it has special powers
to help me when I’m lost in the woods
to protect me from danger
or when I’m hurt and fall to the ground
The cheetah in me
tells me to work harder in school
---Sandra Diaz, Ms Hoffman, Arena Elementary
The owl inside me
tells me to be smart
not to give up
it sounds like a waterfall
screeching against the rocks
I feel the owl flapping
its wings inside me
giving me power and wisdom
---Breanna, Ms Hoffman, Arena Elementary
The leopard is inside me
it is really fast
it gives me special powers
like spotted fur
to stay warm at night
the leopard in me is nice to me
it gives me strength to climb trees
the leopard gives me a family
---Sara, Ms Hoffman, Arena Elementary
I have an Eagle
she looks out for me
when I’m in trouble
There’s a seal in me
she is white like snow
and never afraid
she has a big brain
and eyes to see
in the water
I have a monkey
she lets me climb
in every tree
---Mia, Ms. Hoffman, Arena Elementary
Happiness is sky blue
it sounds like kids having fun
and playing around
it smells like apple pie
tastes like popcorn
looks like school
it feels like a fluffy cat
---Sandra, Ms Hoffman, Arena Elementary
Happiness is bright red
it sounds like the running of God
it smells like a lollipop
it tastes like a cherry shape up
it looks like a fish in the sea
it feels like the river flowing
BACK to school---Zean, Ms Hoffman, Arena Elementary