Jones (Tara Cariaso), Lorda Technotrix (Blake More) and Smith
(Carol Williams) sell the To-Do Chip in Mind Web infomercial...
Smith, Jones discover Vexa Virualocity (Laura Pyle) as she breaks
into Mind Web to destroy To-Do chip operations...Vexa covers her tracks...
Ben There (George Chan) gets virtual while Red Wongly (Christina
tries to convince him to try the To-Do chip...
Vexa breaks into the Mind Web and encounters the
virtual world of Bit (Tara Cariaso), Byte (Carol Williams)
Lorda Technotrix selling her Mind Web Technology...
Our hero's Ben and Vexa sheath the deadly Red Worm with the Think
Twice Virus...
Lorda enters the Mind Web and discovers her master plan
for world market share has been foiled...
Lorda thinks she's defeated the do gooders until Bit switches
teams and releases
the Think Twice Virus into the Mind Web and destroys the To Do Chip forever!
fire breathing bouncer at the gate of Dragon's Breath Theater...