P.A.H.S. Slam Team Schedule:

Wednesday, March 19h---Coast Schools Slam at El Mundo---4:00 to 6:30 pm

It was a close match between Point Arena, Anderson Valley, Fort Bragg, and Mendocino. El Mundo on Main Street in downtown Point Arena (across from Pangea) was packed and people were standing in every available space. The youth were on, the poetry flowed. Everybody left smiling, not realizing that America started bombing Iraq as they were reading about peace, presence, love and hate.

Point Arena placed second.



Friday, April 4th---Mendocino County High School Slam (all county schools) at
the Ukiah High Little Theater---6:30pm

Point Arena High School, Mendocino High School, Fort Bragg High School, Laytonville High School, Willits High School, and Anderson Valley High School squared off at the Ukiah Little Theater in Ukiah. Once again, the theater was full and the poetry outstanding.

Point Arena placed third.


P.A.H.S. 2003 Team Members:

Leela Carpenter
Jessi Sayegh
Hhannah Parsons
Danielle Spoor
Sarah Bice
Noah Kaplan
Renee Meisner
Amanda Pence
Leo Barton
Melissa Zeiher
Gina Lappe


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