Sylvia Murphy's 7 & 8 Girls Group
Fort Ross School


Collage & Poetry Workshop

A joint effort between artist Blake More and teacher Sylvia Murphy, our girls group Project, "Seeing Our Words, Expressing Ourselves" used collage as an evocative medium to bring forth the written poetry of the 7th and 8th grade girls at Fort Ross School. When joined, Art and Poetry make up the blood and bones of creative life. Few things bring as much joy as the engagement of hands and mind in creative expression. We enjoyed inspiring the students to reach new levels of creativity while also encouraging them to talk, write and explore the many images of life as the group brought forth the immediacy of real feelings and heart-felt expression into the learning environment. This project was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the California Arts Council, Gualala Arts In the Schools, and of course, the Arts in the Schools project coordinator Susan Avant.

The following is an exhibition of the collage and poetry created during our workshop...thanks to the bright, bold, dynamic, and, most of all, creative young women of Ms Murphy's girls group...
you are shining stars


My Universe--Carrie Anderson
Green--Emily Pinnow
Glamour--Alyssa Heaviside
Animal Friends--Samantha Gould-Ginesi
Life--Kiona Scherrer
Keep Your Pants On--Kerri Smart
Flirting--Kara Giacinto
Shoes--Izzy Patterson
Pink--Emily Pinnow
Independent Me--Kelsey Rasmussen
Defy Gravity--Laurel Prieto


My Universe

My Universe, never-ending
Mysterious life awaits in brightly shining
Galaxies, giant and far away
Filled with swirling colors of
Nebulas, beginning every life
The cosmic rebirth of
Stars, new and old, isolated
Burning masses guiding
Comets, searching, older than time
spiraling slowly towards
Earth, all its endless skies
Shining from sunrise to sunset onto
Stairs, my pathway to the skies
At both ends finding
Boxes, memories of the past
Different shapes and sizes, holding joy like
ducklings, yellow tuffs of fuzz
Awkward, innocent youth protected from hungry
Cats, soft and fluffy
Their grace small next to
Horses, free in action
Wild yet tame and beautiful, ready to take me
Home, warm and safe
Inviting comfort and peace
All bundled in one package for
My Universe
ÝÝÝÝÝÝóCarrie Anderson


Big mouthed toucan
jungle bird, colorful, gorgeous
like all the pretty, wild black eyes
in the lush paradise
i wish were my home too
where I could eat
good tasting capers on salad
every night
before I go out in my car
green Beetle
driving fast, anywhere
but here
just me and my dog
cute golden retriever
no name yet
i play with it, spoil it
all mine, me
pisces water girl
diving deep into the ocean dark
coming up with ice cream
lots of good tasting, bad for me
pretty looking flavors that
make you fat, ugly
not like peas
good to eat
make me feel good
for soccer, playing for fun
for legs
tall, tan or pale
shapely perfect legs


Sparkling glimmering
are forever
watches and time
go by so quick
eyeshadow, perfume, nail polish
everything that has
to do with glamour
is now
and forever



Animal Friends

Fuzzy friends
I want to hold them
curious and wise
their eyes see so much
some are wild
i respect them
they look
attentive to everything
I connect
to them
ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ óSamantha Gould-Ginesi


Life is fuzzy with mixed veggies
full of innocent and trustworthy animals
pisces' are quiet, creative, and alone
travelling forever, seeing the world
diamonds are forever
sweet lips
fruity, natural, glossy
glow independent
live alone, but alive
music is life
life that is fuzzy with mixed veggies

Keep Your Pants On

The Green Flash of keep your pants on
it's sure to remind me of Blink
the Grinch shoes me it is almost Christmas
Osiris, I immediately think of Neil
He's so cute and funny
He makes me smile and laugh
he gives so much
I see Ian and I think of the concert
him and his 200 pounds of pimp
Hurley makes me think of skateboarding
and my brother
Split makes me smile, think of Michael
space camp awaits him
Blink 182
they're going for the formal yet not so formal look
Jim Carrey
Ace Ventura
at last, the punk rooster
he has a Bill ring
and a dog collar
he represents me
now and in my next life





by Kara Giacinto


by Izzy Patterson



by Emily Pinnow

Independent Me

by Kelsey Rasmussen

Defy Gravity

by Laurel Prieto

just another wacky morning at school

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